Wow have I been in trouble since you last heard from me. Big trouble! But I got bored with all the hospitals. First thing I did was land on Mom’s scrambled eggs when Ken brought her breakfast in and I refused to get off them. Ken is an old friend of ours. He was postmaster of our Montecito post office for years. He brought breakfast every day cause he is something called a volunteer. Seventeen years he’s been a volunteer at Rehab. Pretty boring if you ask me. That’s why I jumped in the eggs.
I was a big help to Mommy in the gym however. I sat in front of her on the arm rower and kept saying “faster faster faster!!!” But I liked the barbells best. I had my own little pink one.
Then they told us we were going home. Aunt Susie got us packed up so fast. Everyone came to say goodbye to me. I liked all the attention. But when we got home no one paid any attention to me. Everyone was fussing over Mommy. Nurses coming and going. Aunt Susie making labeled containers of pills and charts. A physical therapist making Mom walk. Friends bringing food. Flowers everywhere But no one paid any attention to me.
So I hid. All night and all the next day and the next night. Mommy was in tears. Aunt Susie went all through her car and all the bags again and again. I finally decided they’d learned to appreciate me. So the second night real late I flew on to the pillow next to Mommy and when she woke up she saw me & she was so happy. And Aunt Susie was so happy. The nurses were happy. And now everyone is paying attention to me again!

This blog was started to sell my new book and I keep going off on other topics. Please do check out The Beautiful Lady Was A Palace Eunuch
Kathleen Fetner, Technical Advisor and Friend