Met doctor who operated on mommy. Dr. Richard Kahmann. He’s a cool guy. He flies just like me. Well he flies a plane & I’ve got my own wings. Mom likes him cause she thinks he did a good job but mainly because he was interested in the little bound feet she’s always talking about. Dr. Babji Mesipam comes too. Babji & I are old pals. He’s our regular doctor. And so many nice nurses who are always smiling are helping mom not hurt so much.
I hope she doesn’t get spoiled & expect that kind of service from me ’cause I’ll be on my own for awhile. Rennie won’t be allowed home for awhile because shes too heavy. She weighs 12 pounds & I’m light as a feather. Ha ha ha!
Now we’re at another hospital called Rehab. One thing I’ve noticed in all of them they talk so much about the bathroom. Would you believe in one place they rolled the bathroom right up to Mommy’s bed. I don’t understand it. I just go wherever I happen to be standing like Rennie does!
Mommy had a cool roommate first few days in the Rehab Hospital. Her name was Barbara Gordon. The two of them giggled over everything. Stuff I didn’t think was funny. Even when they were moaning for pain medicine. I liked Barbara’s husband Collin too. He talked like Barbara. They were from England. I landed on Collin’s head one night & he just laughed. Then yesterday they went home and we got what I thought was a woman but Mom called her a nightmare. She was really loud & rude to all my nice friends here who take such good care of Mommy & that made both of us mad. THEN she snores all night. Someone said like a volcano erupting.
Well all my friends here went to work on it today & we’ve got a cozy little nest of our own. Aunt Susie (Mommy calls her St Suzie) got us all moved while we were in the gym doing weird things. Then Linda came with our mail & stuff & we all had lunch together. Aunt Susie brings her own every day. She sort of lives with us now & Uncle Johnny & J J & Ayers say its okay cause they want Mommy to get well.
Wonder if there’s any Easter candy left in here?

This blog was started to sell my new book and I keep going off on other topics. Please do check out The Beautiful Lady Was A Palace Eunuch
Kathleen Fetner, Technical Advisor and Friend